Father in the name of Jesus we thank you that we are redeemed from the curse of the law, redeemed from sin, sickness, death and poverty. We thank you that we are blessed through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. We declare that we are indeed blessed, and your blessing makes us rich and adds no sorrow to our lives. We thank you that we are wealthy, multi-millionaires for your name sake. You use us to generously support the advancement of your kingdom on the earth.


Wealth and riches are in our house and our righteousness endures forever. By the power of your anointing, lack, poverty, debt, sin, sickness and the curse are destroyed and removed from our lives in the mighty name of Jesus. We command all debts, mortgages and notes to dematerialize, be reduced and eliminated from our lives. We declare that we are debt free.

Every Jericho wall trying to shut us out of our wealthy place falls down before us. We enter in and possess our inheritance in Jesus' name.


Father in the name of Jesus, we declare that we have abundance and no lack. Money comes to us frequently, easily and abundantly. We move from surviving to thriving, and we live in the realm of abundance.